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Lynne Ide
62 years
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Jan Smiles April 29, 2016
Thinking of you and often think of the fun we had together.  Spring is blooming and your beautiful cardinals are all around.  A day never goes by without hearing them or seeing one and knowing how close you and Mom and Dad and Mark and Julie are to us always.  Love and miss you all.
Bratchild MISSING YOU April 20, 2016
Lynne, I think of you often.  I say to Self, what would Lynne do?  And then I'd put on my big girl panties and DO IT!  All the BOBS are doing well, but we sure do miss you!  I'm sure I'll see you again this summer on my trip!  I love it that you follow me where ever I wander!  XO

Hi Lynne,


Lost my beloved Harley Kitty this week to liver cancer.  I loved him so much and my heart is breaking.  Please find him there in heaven, and give him a "tummy rub" , as it was a nightly ritual with him jumping on the bed, flopping over, and waiting for me to rub his white fluffy tummy.  He loved to play "invisible kitty" and hide between the shower curtain and liner, so you may find him near a bathtub! I miss you Lynne, and am counting on you to take care of my precious little boy.  Thanks Lynne, I always could count on you.   

Lynne, had such a flashback today.  Had a SandyS realtime booking today, and I asked a reporter we've just started working with to meet me there so I could give her a hands-on in realtime hookin'.  Lucy and I reminisced about when I first started turning you over to Sandy and would meet you there to babysit the tech :).
Patti BoB
i sent my lil Mako to you two weeks ago.  I don't know how many bridges he has to cross, but look out for him otay?  He luvs being brushed w/ long-hair "rake" WHILE he eats.  He'd sit behind me and "Maako" to me and when I'd get up, he'd lead me like Lassie the dog, to his dish, so I could brush him while he munched.
I sang "little bunny foo-foo" to him,,,,,,,,,,,even after I learned the first verse - oops!
He's just such a soft bunny kinda guy...... he'd never hurt a field mouse - never !

just came back from our eve walk with Duke, my last baby.  We got to end of drive and there were 2 "brother" red cardinals playing in the middle of the street.  I'm hoping that was a red cardinal PLAYFUL sign that y'all are playing nicely!!
Thanks for the HugeHug last week.
I think I've now lost more loved beings than I still have loved beings.......getting close for sure.
Pray to St. Francis, and he'll direct more critters your way to play with......miss you honey !!1
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