Lynne Ide - Site Memorial Online

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Lynne Ide
62 years
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Laurel Bob
Hey sweetie -- heading to Beach Cliff on Friday. Hope you can come for a sunset. Missing you always, but more when we're there since it's the last place we were BOBBING around together.
Patti BoB
Lynne,  The rest of the Bobs know I was channeling YOU when I got myself in deep kipshee lately, trying to help a newbie.  You were always so helpful to me as a Kanababy - tho, unlike you, you waited for me to *ask*, instead of treading on my feet and being a 'know it all.'
I've been trying to eat more brown rice and always think of you - how did you do that for breakfast some days !!!
You are the shining example that no matter what we do to take care of ourselves, it just doesn't matter !  DAMN IT ! I guess our number is up when it's up, regardless.  ( You'll just be such a prettier, and in better shape angel than the rest of us <G>)
I've been wallowing in I dont' know what the last several weeks, and trying to sleep in but your darned ;o) cardinals keep waking me !!!  LOL
Thanks for the push !!  miss you & love you always !!!

To Lynne, and to all that love her:  Another milestone in the Year of Firsts, our first Christmas without you.  I know this section of the web site is for "memories," but I chose it because I needed more space than a Candle allows.  My memories of Lynne are too numerous to even dredge out of the many years we had together, as co-workers and as friends.  It's hard to remember when you weren't a part of my life.  As the holidays approached and people lit candles in your memory, you have rarely been far from my thoughts and my heart.


I really don't have anything substantive or special to say this morning; just that I'm compelled to talk to you, Lynne, even if only in this modern medium.  I do feel as though the messges get through to you (remember how I e-mailed dad for years after he died??)


I love you and miss you.  I pray that you've found your special place in the next phase of the life cycle and that you're happy with all the special people in your life that went before you to pave the way.  Know that everybody still on this side who loved you thought about you all day yesterday as we celebrated the holiday in our own ways.

Forgive me for using this method to get in touch with somebody:  Marge, the response I just sent you in reply to your e-mail to me has bounced back as undeliverable.  I have the information you're asking for.  Could there perhaps be some kind of block on your e- for a spam filter?

Lynne, I'd like to tell all of your friends and loved ones that I've finished the video of your memorial services.  I hope you like it.  Everybody reading this, if you want a copy, please e-mail me,, with your address and how many copies you want.


These are always hard to do, but it's how I grieve, I think.  Been a rough day, but an awful lot of beautiful memories revisited.


Miss you, kiddo...

Total Memórias: 22
Páginas:: 5  « 1 2 3 4 5 »
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