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Soutien du chagrin
Lynne Ide
62 years
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L'arbre Généalogique
Les Mémoires
BOB Tammy Jenkins (Bratchild)
Lynne - It's now exactly a week to the day that you've been gone from us - but not gone from our hearts. I've always admired your aura. Work hard, play hard, enjoy life, enjoy friendships, take a risk every once in a while. I'll be doing another motorcycle journey this summer, and am dedicating it to you, my friend. What I wouldn't give to hear you call me "bratchild" just one more time! And I PROMISE to go get my dive certification!! And my next gun, I'll name it Lynne. LOVE YOU!
Lynne--I loved you like a third daughter and you were also a wonderful friend.  We shared many great breakfasts at Kelly's on Saturday mornings, after the walks on the Dunedin causeway ( I never could walk as far as Lynne and Diana, but my dog wouldn't have been able to anyway at his advanced age).  We also enjoyed dining at Bonefish and actually had a great dinner there on New Year's Eve, followed by Champagne and dessert at Diana's house, while Di was in Montana.  I will miss her so much and am so sorry I never got to say goodbye.  Hope all your pain and suffering is gone Lynne.
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